Friday, May 28, 2010

Adulthood Training (apparently still in session)

So much of my adulthood relationship training i.e. teenage years were clouded in secrecy, keeping everyone in the dark and making sure my relationships were barely ever mentioned mostly because a certain guy may have been a little too old for me or because another guy was a jerk who didn't want us to be public...Now that the teen years are gone and the adult years are in full effect there's a new type of secrecy, one not imposed by "him" but one that tried its best to be imposed by my own politeness. Only I know whats best for ME, not you or you or you. I know it might hurt a bit to see me with someone else but it makes no sense for ME not to share my happiness with the rest of the world just because I'm scared of hurting someone else's feelings. I don't want to be mean but I have to enjoy my life, I have to take care of ME and I have to make sure I'M on the right track, politeness can only go so far, its up to YOU to protect your own feelings. Because I just can't.